Certifications & Awards

Founded in 1991, TWM has been supporting the evolution of Cybersecurity and Information Assurance (IA) within the Federal Government.

TWM has a Registered Provider under the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Accreditation Body (AB) to provide CMMC support for organizations preparing for the CMMC certification.

In support of the President's Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP), the General Services Administration (GSA) Information Technology (IT) Schedule added Special Item Numbers (SINs)
for Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS).

TWM is pleased to have been awarded these HACS SINs as part
of our GSA Schedule (GS35F315CA) contract. Sub HACS areas TWM sought and was awarded: Penetration Testing, Incident Response Services, and Risk and Vulnerability Assessments.
TWM is one of the initial companies awarded these HACS SINs services.

• Penetration Testing: Security testing in which assessors mimic real-world attacks to identify methods for circumventing the security features of an application, system or network.

• Incident Response Services: Services that help organizations impacted by a cybersecurity compromise determine the extent
of the incident, remove the adversary from their systems, and restore their networks to a more secure state.

• Risk and Vulnerability Assessments: Assessments of threats
and vulnerabilities to determine deviations from acceptable configurations, or enterprise or local policies; to gauge levels of risk; and to develop or recommend appropriate mitigation countermeasures.

We look forward to our continued partnership with the
Government and non-government entities in these areas.

  • ISO 9001

    ISO 9001

    TWM Associates, Inc. understands the importance of quality assurance and is ISO9001:2015 certified since 2008.
