Enterprise Architecture

TWM Associates, Inc. (TWM) views Enterprise Architecture as the combination of business processes, technology, and people.

Enterprise Architecture provides a structured method of aligning an organization’s resources to best support the business goals. TWM’s approach is to provide secure system solutions that are computer based, and are integrated into the work-place as extensions of the user's work process. Blending science and creative ideas, TWM strives for sound innovative solutions that are secure and transparent to the user. Throughout the effort, it is essential that discoveries and developments in other organizations within the entity be used to contribute “real world” conditions and to help assess completeness of our customer’s Information Assurance (IA) Architecture.

TWM designs and analyzes Enterprise Architecture solutions in a four-step process: Problem Formulation, Analysis, Design, and Implementation.

Problem Formulation, TWM develops an understanding of the complete problem facing our customer. Analysis, TWM uses the system definition to identify the functional, performance, security, human, and potential resource requirements. Design, TWM designs the solution through modeling, analysis, and Computer Aided Design tools as a cost effective approach to searching for potential solutions. Implementation, products are written, developed, and produced, providing the customer with the desired solution.
